Un iaht a luat foc în portul Fort Lauderdale, statul american Florida, după o explozie violentă. Imaginile de pe o cameră de supraveghere au arătat momentele teribile. Un om a murit și alți 5 au fost răniți, a relatat New York Post. Ambarcațiunea a explodat, pe 24 decembrie, la debarcaderul Lauderdale Marina, în jurul orei […]
The text conveys an error message: "Service Unavailable". This means the user is temporarily blocked from accessing a service due to exceeding the allowed request limit (429 Too Many Requests).
The unrelated text snippet seems to be about a yacht explosion in Fort Lauderdale, resulting in one death and five injuries.
It appears the error message is preventing access to information related to the yacht explosion.
The text conveys an error message: "Service Unavailable". This means the user is temporarily blocked from accessing a service due to exceeding the allowed request limit (429 Too Many Requests). The unrelated text snippet seems to be about a yacht explosion in Fort Lauderdale, resulting in one death and five injuries. It appears the error message is preventing access to information related to the yacht explosion.